Monday, June 14, 2010

Going Home

Its hard to know what to say. Dave and I are excited about going home. Sue is excited about staying. Its hard for us to say good-bye - we are really going to miss our friends and our new "home". We will, of course, really miss Sue, but its great that her adventure is going to continue.

Thank you to everyone we met - you all treated us so well and made us feel so welcome. Anytime, anytime at all you are welcome at our house in Canada for as long as you want to stay.

On June 6 we had a going away party. Thanks for coming - it was great to see you all.

Sue with her new roommate. 

In May we attended a birthday party complete with a live band.

The singer are the Barb, whose birthday it was, and her sister.

And, now last but certainly not least a big thank you to Sophia and Andrew for providing us with a great place to stay, transportation and lots of useful and handy advice.

See you soon in Canada.

Sue, have fun!!!! 

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